Delight Twenty Two 〈D22〉|BREEZE NAN SHAN
Interior design for Delight Twenty Two, a new casual style dim sum restaurant in the new commercial building Breeze Nan Shan, in Xinyi District, Taipei. We proposed not only the main concept but also interior design. The desire to express a new style of quality atmosphere by embellishing chinoise interior decoration in a casual restaurant space.Bar counter and open kitchen both are the points of the interior design by its presence.The guests can also enjoy the view of Taipei 101 from the seats outside the terrace.
這次負責了主打可以輕鬆享用的休閒餐廳為快樂新風格的 DimSum 的 設計。 從概念到室內設計開始進行了該新風格的餐廳。在休閒的氛圍中,加入 高質感的氣氛與少許的中國風在其中,進而創造出了新風格的空間設計。 將吧台和開放式廚房變成餐廳的主角,可以感覺到有生活感的部份也 是重點之一。另外,也備有開放式休閒客座和可以欣賞 101 景色的戶外 座位。