SHIN KONG MITSUKOSHI|Taipei Xinyi Place A8 4F Floor Design
Introducing a renewal project of Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Xinyi Place A8 children’s floors, 4F& 5F, including the outdoor terrace on 4F, making up a total of approximately 9915 square meters in Xinyi District, Taipei.
The plan for both floors was created by integrating different zonings into theme park experience, surrounding the whole concept of “Kids Wonderland”. The project was designed with a vision of a wonderland providing an enjoyable shopping experience for both adults and children.
As for 4F, based on the floor concept ”Kids Dreaming Town”, we designed the space with the keywords “Gift & Relax” born in mind, so that it presents a sense of cuteness and lingering in moms’ perspectives as well. With the fun devices suitable for adults as well as children set up all over the shopping area, a dreamy land is built.
這次負責改裝了位於台北市信義區的新光三越信義新天地A8館4樓、5樓的兒童樓層包含4樓的戶外廣場(總面積3000坪)的大型物件。此物件是以各不同區劃來構成兩層(個)兒童賣場,因如此設計規劃當中我們在同時保有各賣場的特色之外,我們視整體為一座體驗型的主題樂園。總設計概念為「Kids Wonder Land」。我們想像這是一座透過不同玩樂的體驗來享受購物樂趣,大人小孩都適合的主題樂園。
4樓樓層設計主題為「Kids Dreaming Town」,由媽媽視角來整合的關鍵字「禮品&放鬆」作為設計重點來表現賣場帶來的滯留時間以及「可愛感」。在賣場裡的不同地方設置大人小孩都能玩樂的器具來打造一座夢幻世界。