WACOAL HOMEShow Time Live Shulin

One of the projects of the 50th business anniversary, a new Wacoal flagship store no.1 opened in the main city of Taiwan. The new concept of the store was “French Elegant House” that made the store be full of the elegant atmosphere of french maison. The guest will experience selecting lingerie like from the wardrobe in the maison, and also enjoy picking up the products in a relaxing way. Layouts of the displays were set up carefully although they seem to be cluttered.

作為 Wacoal 台灣 50 週年項目之一,在台灣主要 城市裡新的 Wacoal 旗艦店的一號店開張了。設 計概念是「French Elegant House」,以巴黎的優 雅之家作為主題,給予像是在豪宅的衣櫃裡挑選 商品的氣氛。在輕鬆的氛圍中,能夠獲得尋找商 品樂趣的空間。乍看之下顯得雜亂的 Display 陳列, 則是經過精心計算後的有趣組合。
