Information regarding IFFT/ Interior Lifestyle Living Fair 2019.

IFFT Interior Lifestyle Living 2019TOKYO BIG SIGHT

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Knott., Inc. published newly-designed furniture at the exhibition “CREATIVE EXPO TAIWAN” which was held in Taipei in May 2019. This year, we exhibited not only newly-designed furniture of “RENOW” but also a special series of objects for the Japan exhibition IFFT / Interior Lifestyle Living 2019.

The focus at the exhibition was the introduction of chairs, stools, tables and cabinets .

2019年5月在台北舉辦的「CREATIVE EXPO TAIWAN」中,由我們KNOTT所開發的家具品牌「RENOW」發表了新家具作品。這次,RENOW的新家具在日本「IFFT /Interior Lifestyle Living 2019」中進行了國內的首次展示。在展覽中,我們介紹了小椅子、椅凳、桌子和櫥櫃……等家具。

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「CREATIVE EXPO TAIWAN 2019」も↓からご覧ください。
