Cheese & Wine Shop LAMMAS|Roppongi

LAMMAS“, a store that travels around Europe through which really delicious cheese and wine are selected and sold. The aim of this project was to create a new style of cheese store following the flagship store in Setagaya-ku. We designed the store around the keywords such as “Quality”, “Private Cottage for Adults” and “Surprise” which surround the concept of “URBAN HUTTE”.

The focus of the design layout is the originally-designed glass case. Every 2 minutes, mist is released to fill the glass case not only for keeping the cheese moist but also to put on a quiet performance in the store.

We believe that a brand new cheese store has been proposed successfully despite the fact that the space is compact.

以巡迴法國,英國等歐洲各地來尋找進口好吃的起士&葡萄酒為中心的「LAMMAS」,繼三軒茶屋本店後的第二號店:六本木新城(Roppongi Hills)全新開張。設計概念為「URBAN HUTTE(都市的山小屋)」,以「質感」、「大人的隱居」作為設計方向的關鍵字。



Please enjoy the shop’s atmosphere from the footage below.↓

LAMMAS Cheese & Wine Shop 六本木ヒルズ店

Please take a look at the interior design of “LAMMAS” flagship store from ↓
