Cheese & Wine Shop LAMMAS|Setagaya-ku Tokyo Store Design
“LAMMAS” is a brand that travels around Europe through which really delicious cheese and wine are selected and sold. This was a project aiming to renovate an old house into a flagship store. Based on the concept of “Weekend HUTTE”, we built an original cheese jewelry case and a cheese aging warehouse so that guests can experience and enjoy cheese and wine under the best condition. We hereby propose a new form of cheese shop.
以巡迴法國,英國等歐洲各地來尋找進口好吃的起士&葡萄酒為中心的「LAMMAS」。這是個將老房子翻新,並打造成為旗艦店的項目。設計概念為「Week HUTTE」,為了讓客人可以在最佳狀態下體驗和品嚐起士、葡萄酒,我們特別設計了起士用的玻璃櫃以及起士熟成用倉庫。我們給出了一個新型態的起士店提案。