SKM Nanxi1 4F Public & VIP Room

SHIN KONG MITSUKOSHITaipei Nanxi Store One 4F Store Design

The floor renovation project of Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Taipei Nanxi Store One, is the first department store of Shin Kong Mitsukoshi in Taiwan, started in 1991. “Timeless Romance” is the main concept of the interior design was for women who pursue the perfect style all the time. We regarded beauty and newness that women always pursue as an element to space by choosing materials and colors properly  into our interior design. As for VIP room, we provide a quality atmosphere  and time by materials and color usage.

這次負責改裝了位於台北市的新光三越南西本館4樓。整體樓層的設計概念為「Timeless Romance」,以尋求新風格的女性專用的樓層作為主題。作為構成該空間的元素,將現今的女性所要求的美感和新穎,通過使用材料、顏色和質感去進行設計。VIP室則為著重在空間氛圍上,透過使用材料和配色,創造出能夠提供高品質的空間以及時間的場所。
