SKM Taichung B2F Food & Restaurant Floor

SHIN KONG MITSUKOSHI / Taichung Zhonggang B2F / Floor Design

The Food & Beverage floor, with approximately 3,500 square meters, is in the Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Taichung Zhonggang department store, where people shop for food and dine during the day.

The Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Taichung Zhonggang department store is located in Taichung City, Taiwan, and sales of Food & Beverage are in the best shape in Taiwan year after year.

 “New Nordic Market” is the concept of design that provides a modern space that can offer people new and comfortable experiences for both shopping and dining.

We have a display feature which ensures that the entire area has a neat and orderly appearance, rather than the typical array of various types of merchandise.

This allows the display of furniture according to individual design, basic material – such as metal or painted panel; and we also pay special attention to the balance of different tones of colors and the customers’ lane movements.

這次負責了新光三越台中中港店地下2樓的全面改裝,這是在台灣百貨裡規模最大、銷售量最高的食品賣場。以「New Nordic Market」為主題,將明確迴游性的動線計畫和市場的熱鬧氣息同時表現在其1100坪的大面積樓層裡。將超市、餐廳、美食廣場、美食商店四個類別混合在一起,彷彿是一個精選商店般,以此手法讓各個邊界線變得模糊。我們志在創造出新穎又有魅力的用餐空間,讓來訪的人們可以通過該空間而有各種的新發現和邂逅。
